Dorothy accompanied me on a trip this summer to Dolores, CO. The closest airport was in Albuquerque, NM with a four hour drive through some absolutely beautiful country. The trip in took us up US Highway 550 and on the way back we travelled a different route. While driving on US Highway 491 near Shiprock, NM, I had to stop several times to photograph the countryside. I have a tendency of standing in the middle of the road – preferably on the center line – to capture the long, dramatic expanse of highway. Dorothy tends to frown on my standing there taking photos, so I humored her at this spot by staying along the shoulder.

I put together two small panoramic images showing some dramatic rock formations and of course the long road that appears to go on without end.

This last image was actually the first in the series. This was in Colorado before crossing into New Mexico. It was after this photo that Dorothy asked me to stay on the shoulder for the rest of the drive.