Scenes from Playa del Rey

A few scenes from Playa del Rey earlier this summer when I was in southern California. I’d finished early and had some time before my flight out of LAX. I was trying to find a way to kill some time when I realized that I was only blocks from the ocean.

sandy beach in southern California
Playa del Rey during non peak hours. Larry Shapiro photo

It was late afternoon on a weekday and the beach was fairly deserted … a nice time to visit.

sandy beach in southern California
A solitary lifeguard shack in the late afternoon. Larry Shapiro photo
waves crashing on the beach
Though anything but calm near the beach, the vast expanse of ocean is always relaxing. Larry Shapiro photo
waves crashing on the beach
One few brave soul wading into the waves. Larry Shapiro photo
waves crashing on the beach
Not the calmest of times to be in the ocean. Larry Shapiro photo
waves crashing on the beach
Afternoon waves with some force. Larry Shapiro photo