Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, final day in Berlin.
Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day six in Berlin .
Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day five in Berlin .
Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day four in Dresden .
Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day three in Erfurt .
Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day two in the Shum cities: Speyer, Worms, and Mainz. Images from Speyer Images from Worms Images from Mainz
A group of twenty one individuals from Am Shalom of Glencoe began their week long adventure to Germany. Day one in Frankfurt.
Partnering with the folks at the Bethlehem Healing Temple to provide hundreds of thanksgiving dinners to those in need of a little assistance.
One benefit of traveling is being able to sample different foods. I always try to eat local when time permits which doesn’t always mean healthy or non-caloric. I many never again visit many of the places where I find myself…
Some urban art sprouting from what’s left of a dwelling fire in Detroit.