Visting Venice, Italy 2-21-23

Images from day 2 in Venice with Am Shalom of Glencoe. We visited the Basilica San Marco – Venezia; Doge’s Palace, Seat of All Powers; the Venetian Ghetto, and two synagogues.

The day was overcast and cool.

#larryshapiro ;; #Venice;;
a cloudy morning in Venice

The Basilica San Marco – Venezia

#larryshapiro ;; #Venice;; #BasilicadiSanMarco
Basilica di San Marco interior

Doge’s Palace, Seat of All Powers in Venice

#larryshapiro ;; #Venice;; #DogesPalace;
ornate artwork in a huge council room

The Venetian Ghetto

#larryshapiro ;; #Venice;; #venetiangheto; #synagogue; #ScholaLevantina;
inside the Schola Levantina synagogue
#larryshapiro ;; #Venice;; #venetiangheto; #synagogue; ScuolaSpagnola;
inside the Scuola Spagnola synagogue

A few additional people in costumes for Carnival

#larryshapiro ;; #Venice;; #carnival;
another great costume of the end of Carnival

and of course the Vigili Del Fuoco, the fire station

#larryshapiro ;; #Venice;; #VigilidelFuoco;
Vigili Del Fuoco

Images from Day 1 are here

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