Visiting Italy – Vigili del Fuoco, 2-26-23

What would any trip be without visiting a fire station (caserma dei pompieri). On our way to Rome after leaving Pitigliano, we passed through Gradoli, in theĀ Province of Viterbo. Our tour guide spotted alla caserma del distaccamento dei vigili del fuoco di Gradoli (the barracks of the Gradoli fire brigade) and had the driver stop the bus. He and I got off the bus and ran about 50 yards back up the road where he introduced me to the firefighters.

#larryshapiro;;;; #FireTruck; #Iveco; #Magirus; #Italy; #VigilidelFuoco; #Gradoli; #IvecoMagirus;
The two-bay fire station
#larryshapiro;;;; #FireTruck; #Iveco; #Magirus; #Italy; #VigilidelFuoco; #Gradoli; #IvecoMagirus;
the saw compartment

As I received a tour of the station and the equipment, the bus pulled into the parking lot while I grabbed a few quick shots of their 19-year-old Iveco Magirus pumper.

#larryshapiro;;;; #FireTruck; #Iveco; #Magirus; #Italy; #VigilidelFuoco; #Gradoli; #IvecoMagirus;
2004 Iveco-Magirus pumper
#larryshapiro;;;; #FireTruck; #Iveco; #Magirus; #Italy; #VigilidelFuoco; #Gradoli; #IvecoMagirus;