It seems that most evenings lately have provided great opportunities to photograph beautiful sunsets. I didn’t want to miss one tonight, so even though it appeared to be nothing special at first, I drove to a familiar spot … and…
Category: Landscape
The temperature dropped last night and this created some beautiful scenes today as the morning sun and mist combined. Any open field or pond had this subtle but contrasty look that was in some instances surreal. I’d gone to a…
Here’s an image at dusk in downtown San Antonio showing the Cathedral of San Fernando at sunset. Granted, it’s an image looking down the street at least a block away from the church, but the architecture is recognizable with the twin…
During our visit to Conifer, Colorado, we travelled through Staunton State Park in search of locations for an assignment. Every turn we took it seemed was more beautiful than the last. Trails, mountains, pine forests, and vast prairies with tall grass…
During our recent visit to Colorado, all of the time we spent driving along the western edge of the Denver suburbs was filled with absolutely beautiful scenery. The view along the road near Boulder consisted of endless grass fields and the…
Dorothy accompanied and assisted me for a shoot in Conifer, Co this week. The following day was intended for another assignment that didn’t pan out … so imagine that … we had a gorgeous summer day to ourselves in beautiful…
This morning I looked out the window of our hotel in Lakewood, CO and was just in time to capture this Denver sunrise. At first I was disappointed about the dense haze that was engulfing the city, but I then…
Dorothy and I were in Conifer, Co all day today before ending up in Golden (the home of Coors Beer). Even though the sun was setting on the other side of the mountains, we were able to capture this Colorado sunset…
Another scenic from the trip to Sullivans Island, here is the shot from Osceola Avenue near Station 9 Street looking at the Sullivans Island Narrows.
When Dorothy and I visited South Carolina several weeks ago, we went to the beach on Sullivans Island. We had a 360-degree view of the horizon which allowed us to watch multiple simultaneous storms along the South Carolina coast. At one point…