The Shubenacadie River

Here are a few images of the Shubenacadie River in and around Stewiacke, Nova Scotia from our trip last week. The water level was low when we were there and the river was a muddy brown throughout. The sky was picture perfect while we were there and the people were as friendly and outgoing as could be.

The Shubenacadie River
This panoramic image is from the Caddell Rapids Lookoff Provincial Park. Larry Shapiro photo
The Shubenacadie River
Showing the area of low tide from the Caddell Rapids Lookoff. Larry Shapiro photo
The Shubenacadie River
A farm can be seen on the horizon across the river. Larry Shapiro photo
The Shubenacadie River
A closer view showing the farm. Larry Shapiro photo
The Shubenacadie River
Another view showing the low tide. Larry Shapiro photo
The Shubenacadie River
One more from the area where Main Street becomes Back Road. Larry Shapiro photo
The Shubenacadie River
This was on the west end f the town where it ran through farmland. Larry Shapiro photo