The absolute benefit of shooting in RAW

The massive amount of data stored by a RAW file allows for great detail to be realized through editing. I save all my RAW files and occasionally re-process them with updated software to see how algorithms have advanced. Here are two examples of unprocessed files shot in 2012 with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II and the results from RAW processing today with current technology.; #larryshapiro;;; TBT; #firescene; #ZionFD; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Gladiator; #MainePlasticCo; #RAWfile; #photoediting; #DXOPhotoLab; #DXOViewpoint;
Original file straight out of the camera; #larryshapiro;;; TBT; #firescene; #ZionFD; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Gladiator; #MainePlasticCo; #RAWfile; #photoediting; #DXOPhotoLab; #DXOViewpoint;
RAW file run through DXO PhotoLab 7 and DXO ViewPoint 4; #larryshapiro;;; TBT; #firescene; #ZionFD; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Gladiator; #MainePlasticCo; #RAWfile; #photoediting; #DXOPhotoLab; #DXOViewpoint;
another untouched RAW file; #larryshapiro;;; TBT; #firescene; #ZionFD; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Gladiator; #MainePlasticCo; #RAWfile; #photoediting; #DXOPhotoLab; #DXOViewpoint;
the same file after processing in DXO Photo Lab 7, DXO ViewPoint 4, and Luminar Neo; #larryshapiro;;; TBT; #firescene; #ZionFD; #FireTruck; #Spartan; #Gladiator; #MainePlasticCo; #RAWfile; #photoediting; #DXOPhotoLab; #DXOViewpoint;
the same file again, this time it was run through Radiant Photo and then DXO ViewPoint 4