Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day four in Dresden .
Tag: #larryshapiro
Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day three in Erfurt .
Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day two in the Shum cities: Speyer, Worms, and Mainz. Images from Speyer Images from Worms Images from Mainz
A group of twenty one individuals from Am Shalom of Glencoe began their week long adventure to Germany. Day one in Frankfurt.
One benefit of traveling is being able to sample different foods. I always try to eat local when time permits which doesn’t always mean healthy or non-caloric. I many never again visit many of the places where I find myself…
Some urban art sprouting from what’s left of a dwelling fire in Detroit.
While location scouting for a truck shoot in San Francisco, my liaison took me on a tour of all the noted scenic and historic areas of the city. One stop of course was to see the Painted Ladies, a row…
During a multiple-day trip to New York and New Jersey, I had a flight cancellation which created an additional overnight for me. Fortunately, my nephew, Ben Fink Shapiro lives in Manhattan and was kind enough to offer me a place…
While visiting Victoria, BC previously on a truck shoot with Dorothy, we took a walk after dinner around the Victoria Harbour. The buildings surrounding the water were extremely colorful and their reflection on the water doubled the beauty. I was…
Okay, perhaps I should have toned down the title here, but I’ve written two previous posts about the gorgeous country that I encountered in British Columbia and how it impacted my decisions to provide images of their new fire engine…