When I was in Ottumwa, IA this week, I went down to the Des Moines River to look around. Know as the city of bridges, they have four bridges downtown and a damn. The water flowing through the damn was quite active, so I spent a few minutes capturing images as the sun was setting.
A long lens, a fast shutter, and a big aperture combined to freeze the violent movement of the waves. Larry Shapiro photoThe backlighting from the setting sun adds a dramatic effect to the water spray. Larry Shapiro photo
Additionally, there was a couple fishing downstream of the damn from a metal bottom boat … it appears they were quite successful. So … I spent a few minutes watching them and taking photos.
Larry Shapiro photoAdjusting the exposure compensation to slightly over expose the image tricks the internal meter that would otherwise stop way down for the brightness of the water. Larry Shapiro photoI could have restored a bit more detail tot he surface of the water … had I spent a bit more time editing the image. This way, it creates a greater separation between the vastness of the water and the subjects. Larry Shapiro photo
Since they were somewhat backlit, and the water was so reflective (and bright) I opened up a 1/3 of a stop to insure that I had detail in the subjects.