Scenic images along the Pacific Coast Highway

Two additional shots from a recent trip to the west coast of scenic images along the Pacific Coast Highway. I haven’t done the drive down the PCH in over 20 years. I knew it was beautiful and a bit slower than taking the 101 (unless there was a crash somewhere along the highway). I also recognized that I’d be stopping several times along the way to grab some photos, so I allowed extra time for the trip.

These two images looking out over the water offered some interesting clouds or a section of coastline.

The Pacific Ocean near Oxnard, CA
Dramatic sky was enhanced by increasing the Dehaze slider in Lightroom to accentuate the cloud structure. Larry Shapiro photo

The image above was enhanced in Lightroom with the Dehaze slider and some contrast.

The Pacific Ocean near Oxnard, CA
This otherwise flat image was run through Photomatix as a single image instead of using several. Larry Shapiro photo

The second shot is a single-file HDR image created in Photomatix Pro 5 which greatly improved on a flat image captured under cloudy conditions.