Hazardous material scare in Washington DC

I was with my friend Vito today and we took in a hazardous material scare in Washington DC. It was a reported suspicious powder at CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) near the US Capitol. Though the substance turned out to be benign, I had the opportunity to capture some interesting images of the firefighters going through decon after exiting the building.

DCFD haz mat team decon
The first hazmat tech begins the process of decontamination (decon) after leaving the building. Larry Shapiro photo
DCFD haz mat team decon Hazardous material scare in Washington DC
Decon involves washing and rinsing from head to toe. Larry Shapiro photo
DCFD haz mat team decon
An overview of the decon process. Larry Shapiro photo
DCFD haz mat team decon
DCFD haz mat team decon. Larry Shapiro photo
firefighter holds suspicious package after ham at scare
A firefighter carries the suspect envelope for law enforcement. Larry Shapiro photo
DCFD haz mat team decon
A second firefighter goes through decontamination. Larry Shapiro photo


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