Here’s another example of fire scene photography that produces a dramatic image from a fire at night. Pictured is a fire chief working closely with two firefighters in the bucket of a tower ladder. Smoke and water mist combine with bright back lights to create the harsh feel of the scene while maintaing the human aspect of the job being done.

This was shot with a 200mm lens from a distance so that I was not affected by the smoke or spray from the hose lines. Due to the low light conditions from the existing light, my ISO was high, my shutter speed was fast, and that meant that I was shooting wide open. Depth of field is shallow, but enough to keep all important elements in focus. A few quick passes from several NIK Color Efex Pro filters eventuated the colors in addition to the textures from the water. Smoke and water together in the throws of the bright lights are also enhanced from a combination of contrast and structure.