Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day three in Erfurt .
Category: travel photography
Am Shalom of Glencoe in Germany, day two in the Shum cities: Speyer, Worms, and Mainz. Images from Speyer Images from Worms Images from Mainz
A group of twenty one individuals from Am Shalom of Glencoe began their week long adventure to Germany. Day one in Frankfurt.
While visiting Victoria, BC previously on a truck shoot with Dorothy, we took a walk after dinner around the Victoria Harbour. The buildings surrounding the water were extremely colorful and their reflection on the water doubled the beauty. I was…
As a followup to last night’s post about the snowcapped mountains visible while returning from Terrace, BC, I’ve included a few images from the site scouting for locations in Terrace to use for the truck shoot. We drove across a…
Last September I travelled to Terrace, BC for a truck shoot. I flew from Chicago to Vancouver where I transferred to a turbo-prop for the final leg of the journey into Terrace. The country was absolutely beautiful. Mountains, rivers, forests,…
On our last full day in Spain, Dorothy and I took a 20 minute walk to the Parque de Bomberos Sur, one of two Granada fire stations. We received a warm welcome from the on-duty bomberos which included an offer…
After a brisk 20 minute walk from our hotel in Seville, Dorothy and I visited the Parque de Bomberos. We had a tour and traded our broken Spanish with the broken English of a very kind firefighter.
A trip overseas without a stop at a local fire station is not an option for me. Dorothy accepts this and almost always accompanies me. In Spain, I was able to visit Parques de Bomberos in Madrid, Seville, and Granada.…