On assignment for American LaFrance in Kamloops, BC I created this image of the department’s three American LaFrance Eagle chassis, one of which had an American LaFrance/LTI mid-mount tower ladder.
We went to a spot that had a fantastic view of the local mountains surrounding a valley. The weather was not ideal; it was about to start raining, but the horizon was still good. Although the area offered a great view, it was totally obscured once we positioned the trucks there, so I had them bring another unit that would provide an elevated perch for me to position my Mamiya RZ67 on a tripod to see the valley over the apparatus.

Had I needed more room than this, I’d have had a problem because I was as far away from the three units as the parking lot would allow. As it turns out, though the two engines were built on American LaFrance Eagle chassis, the bodies were built by a competitor. This worked out well considering the space I had to work with … all I could include in the image was the chassis for the engines. After all the assignment was American LaFrance fire truck photos … and that’s all I had in the final image … though as a life long fire buff, I did take other Kamloops FD apparatus photos for me.