Looking at 7 states from the Rock City Gardens

One of the attractions in lookout Mountain, GA is looking at 7 states from the Rock City Gardens. It’s a beautiful view, but you kind of need to take their word for it.

They’ve got the signs …

seeing 7 states from Rock City Gardens
This sign tells the story. Larry Shapiro photo
seeing 7 states from Rock City Gardens
This pseudo map describes where to look. Larry Shapiro photo

They’ve got the flags …

flags of the 7 states visible from the Rock City Gardens and lookout Mountain
All the state flags are prominently displayed. Larry Shapiro photo

They’ve got a map in the stone patio …

map of the 7 states visible from the Rock City Gardens and lookout Mountain
A beautiful map with marble states is embedded in the stone floor.

And they’ve got a great view.

seeing 7 states from Rock City Gardens
If you look real close … Larry Shapiro photo