I travelled this fall to Bremerton, WA which is located west of Seattle. It’s reachable by road from SEATAC or by the Seattle-Bremerton Ferry from the Sinclair Inlet, through the Puget Sound, and then into the Elliott Inlet to the Colman Dock, and vice-versa. After leaving the airport I took the land route; I5 and across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

When I finished shooting for the day, I inquired about the ferry ride and was told in no uncertain terms that it was a worthwhile trip. At certain times the ferry ride offers an opportunity for whale watching.
I was leaving at dusk so my trip wouldn’t include whales, but I was promised beautiful scenic views and a dramatic nighttime Seattle skyline.

Fortunately the ferry was not crowded and I was able to get around quickly to gain whatever vantage point seemed optimal as the trip progressed. As the sun was dropping quickly, I was limited in the number of shots and views I could get.

The beautiful clear night had a bright moon which added to the dramatic images, though the level of difficulty in capturing the scene grew exponentially. The low light required a steadier, slower shot, while the rolling of the ferry seemed more pronounced.

I went to one of the upper decks for an unobstructed view of the moon which was off to one side the ferry. My goal now was to capture the moon in the sky and the reflection on the water. I ran back down three flights of stairs to get my tripod from the car, then raced back up again garnering all manner of attention from the other passengers. I set the tripod in what I determined to be the most steady section of the deck, shielded from the forceful wind, attached the cable release to minimize any additional vibration, and went through a series of images knowing that they all were not going to be crisp.

I’d brought along a sandwich for dinner, and finally had some time to sit and eat before approaching the Seattle skyline. Once that dramatic scene was in view, I grabbed the camera again and shot until the very last minute when I had to be in my car to drive away. Those images are for another post.