In case you haven’t noticed … I have a thing about observing the world around me and documenting it wherever possible. This includes … (occasionally)… while I’m driving. After all, one never knows when something will present itself and if you’re not ready to record it, it becomes a missed opportunity. Now please do as I say, not as I do. While driving, both hands should remain on the wheel and the driver’s attention should not waiver from the road and traffic conditions to avoid a crash or other unintended encounter.
That said, I might, on the rare occasion, have a tendency to focus my attention to the surroundings, and I may get an irresistible urge to capture something of immediate interest.
One such compelling subject for me are interesting highway bridges.
I’ve always found the interchanges found along the newer highways in Texas as extremely cool.

They’re doing a major rebuild along sections of I635 with new pavement, over passes, and below grade roadways.

I’ve always enjoyed both levels of the steel bridge that carries Interstate 95 over the Schuylkill River between downtown Philadelphia and the airport. If you look closely, this was obviously taken from the passenger seat … who would do such a thing while driving.

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