I made a classic error when I arrived at the scene of what would be a 4th Alarm fire in Northlake, IL. What I witnessed upon my arrival is in this first image.

I saw this huge fireball partially obscured by trees and I sat there watching it and trying to frame several types of images with the building, firefighters, and apparatus.

There was a massive firestorm behind this unique Humvee, and I was looking for a calendar image with several different units at the scene … waiting for this great backdrop. I was probably in the front of the building for close to a half hour before I moved around another side to find …

By the time these images were taken, there was still some impressive fire to be captured … but, these walls collapsed after I had arrived on the scene. If I had moved around earlier, I’d have had a spectacular calendar image with exploding flames behind the apparatus working on this side.
So … lesson learned … keep your eyes moving and more important, don’t let your feet get stuck in one place. You won’t know what you’re missing.