Some images from Day 4 of of visiting Buenos Aires with Am Shalom.
Category: photojournalism
Some images from Day 3 of of visiting Buenos Aires with Am Shalom.
Some images from Day 2 of of visiting Buenos Aires with Am Shalom.
Some images from Day 1 of of visiting Buenos Aires with Am Shalom.
The World Series championship trophy visited the Village of Winnetka this week so that village employees (police, fire, water & power, public works, village hall) could view it and have photos with it. As part of #cubstrophytour, it was setup in…
On Thanksgiving morning, dozens of volunteers came together again to to serve Thanksgiving dinner for people needing some extra help in northern Lake County, IL. This annual event was put together buy the Eternal Word Prayer Community and offered the meal…
Today was the annual Thanksgiving dinner for the less fortunate on Chicago’s West Side at the Bethlehem Healing Temple. Five area synagogues assist the temple with this event each year by providing the food and volunteers serving in excess of 500 meals.…
During a recent trip to NYC, I had to good fortune to stumble upon the FDNY Blessing of the Fleet. It’s an annual ritual during firefighter appreciation week. This took place at the South Street Pier along the East River. Much…
On a recent trip to Washington, DC, I was invited to observe a multi-jurisdictional drill. Operation Shield on the Potomac River was a simulated rescue of victims from a plane crash. Several fire boats taking part were from the DCFD and…
We’ve come across some interesting and informative warning signs during travel in the southern states. As a tourist, some signs provide answers to questions about unfamiliar local anomalies. I’d say that much of the time I ignore these signs but…