Dorothy and I walked around and explored Palm Beach neighborhoods for over three hours today. We were intrigued and amazed time and time again with many of the things we saw. These include massive homes, the ocean, the inter-coastal waterway, magnificently manicured gardening, massive yachts, and the abundance of Banyan trees in Palm Beach.
If you’ve never seen a Banyan tree, they can become huge with multiple trunks that become intertwined. Then, branches drop vine, stringy roots that grow towards the ground where they eventually form new trunks to support the limbs.

So we couldn’t believe the number of these trees that we kept finding. They were in private yards, along the waterway path and along an entire stretch of North County Street.

Here are examples of the roots that drop from the branches to form new trunks.

This shot shows a huge tree and one of the new trunk formations that has reached the ground.

Another image of these fascinating trees lining the street.

One of the largest Banyan trees in the world is in the town of Lahaina, on the Island of Maui.