Visiting Ferrara Italy, 2-23-23

We left Venice this morning and drove to Ferrara where we saw the Estense Castle, the MEIS – National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah, the Jewish Ghetto of Ferrara, and took a walking tour through some the old city.

The Estense Castle

#larryshapiro ;; #Ferrara;; #EstenseCastle;
Castello Estense or castello di San Michele complete with a moat and water

The Ghetto and synagogue

#larryshapiro ;; #Ferrara;; #Italy; #Ghetto; #RabbiStevenStarkLowenstein;
Rabbi Lowenstein meeting the rabbi of the synagogue in the former Ghetto

MEIS – National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah

#larryshapiro ;; #Ferrara;; #Italy; #MuseoNazionaledell'ebraismo;
Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah – MEIS

The group

#larryshapiro ;; #Ferrara;; #Italy; #Ghetto; #amshalom;
the whole group

When we finished in Ferrara, we drove several hours south to Florence (Firenze).

#Firenze; #larryshapiro
;;; #Arno; #sunset; #Florence; #Italy;
Florence and the Arno River at sunset

3 thoughts

  1. Wonderful meeting you and Mrs. Shapiro!
    Please also take a beautiful picture from the Roof Top
    We hope to see you back soon!
    I will miss you saying hello in the morning but since I will be off the next couple of days I say hello to you through your blog now!☺️
    Take care,
    Caroline from the Front Desk

    1. thank you Caroline. We enjoyed meeting you. Our stay was enhanced by your cheerfulness and attention to detail.

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